If you’ve already taken steps to get your web site, blog, business, or whatever you want to do started, then you’re in line. You can’t get served if you’re not in line. You can’t place your order for what you want out of life if you’re not in line.
This analogy hit me the other day at lunch while I was trying to decide between several sandwich shops that all had long lines.
So if you’re in line, congratulations. If you’re not, there’s no time like the present. It’s easy to stand on the sidelines, never getting the nerve to start your own business, web site, blog, or whatever. One side effect of the Internet is that with a few keystrokes you can search for whatever you want to do and realize that there are 900,000 or more people already trying to, and actually, doing it. It’s overwhelming. It’s scary. It’s too easy to say: how can I possibly succeed when there are so many others already started and I haven’t even taken the first step. It’s too easy to feel like you’re starting out too far behind to ever catch up. Like a deer caught in headlights, you don’t know which way to go. So you do nothing.
But if you do muster the courage to get in line, you’ll notice a funny thing happens… other people keep getting in line too, and before long you’re in the middle of the line and no longer in the back. As long as you keep moving forward you’ll eventually make your way up towards the front and place your order and get served. But, if you jump from line to line or never get in line, you will never get anywhere.
So take that first step. Learn how to setup a business, or sell something online. Before you know it, you could have money showing up in your inbox too!
The great thing about the Internet is that you can make money while you’re sleeping. No kidding, it works! This morning I had email in my inbox from sales of my courses and/or products. So overnight while I was asleep in bed, someone found my web site, placed an order, and paid me for my effort of creating that particular product. The really great thing is that this can and will occur over and over again. For a set amount of work, work that is done once to create the product, an unlimited number of people can and will purchase it, I don’t have to do anything other than make sure my web sites are up and running.
Making blog posts and using other traffic generating methods help to keep a steady stream of visitors hitting the sales pages, but even without these things, some traffic will find its way there and you’ll get an occasional sale. Put in the effort to make a great product, promote it properly, and you can get lots of sales.
Success does not happen overnight. In fact, it can take a long time. I’ve read several studies that show most people give up just before they would have started seeing fruition of their efforts. Don’t let that happen to you. If others can do it, so can you. It’s like growing a fruit tree; you don’t expect to plant a seedling and the next morning wake up to find it full of ripe fruit. It takes time. But I can guarantee you that you will NEVER harvest any fruit if you don’t plant the tree!
So take that first step: get IN line and OFF the sidelines! Read my Insider’s Secrets to Promoting Your Business Online! to get a ton of great information to help you.
Until Next Time,