Just like mining gold, making money on the internet requires more refined, specialized tools and knowledge than it did in previous years.
You wouldn’t rent a backhoe and start digging up your backyard expecting to find thousands of dollars of gold would you? You would put some considerable effort into where to dig, what tools to use, what equipment to purchase vs rent, whose advice to pay for, etc.
Keep Reading →about Getting Rich Online – How to Find the Gold!
Annoying Clickbait Ads vs. Reputation and Authority
When I land on a site with these types of ads, I question the site’s legitimacy. Why would they want that trash on their site? Why trade convenience for reputation? If a site has high enough traffic to make money from ad network ads, they would be better off in reputation and revenue to manage their own ads, or, use an ad network that only displays high quality ads.
Keep Reading →about Annoying Clickbait Ads vs. Reputation and Authority
This ONE Thing Can Improve Your Bottom Line
Almost everyone has a phone with social media and email. But if you’re not doing this ONE THING correctly to utilize that fact, then you’re operating your business haphazardly and irresponsibly. The goal is not spending money on advertising (in any of its forms), the goal is to make more money.
Keep Reading →about This ONE Thing Can Improve Your Bottom Line
How to successfully advertise on Facebook
How to Successfully Advertise on Facebook. Tired of paying high click rates for Google PPC ads? Then you should give Facebook Ads a try. But READ THIS FIRST so you don’t WASTE $$$! Don’t Spend a Dime Until You Do This… First, and this is important… no, it’s UTTERLY, CRITICALLY, IMPORTANT… you should not invest one single penny in advertising unless you can actually measure its effectiveness. You may say “well duh”, but people do it everyday. Don’t be one of those people! In this blog post I detail how and what tools to use.
Keep Reading →about How to successfully advertise on Facebook
Build a Better Marketing Brain
To successfully market you have to connect to potential customer’s brains… from YOUR brain. Beef up your marketing brainpower with these potent suggestions. The human brain is an amazingly complex organ; it can adapt and overcome huge obstacles, yet be foiled by the simplest tricks. Marketing has to cut through to the customer’s brain and get them to take action…
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The ONE Flaw with Using Social Media for Business
Using Social Media for Business, if used correctly, can generate leads, brand awareness, and sales, but if you’re NOT doing this ONE thing, you’re SCREWED! Some people may be tempted to ask why do I need my own website, or why does my business need a website, if I can get all that I need from social media. The shortest answer is this: You don’t own those social media accounts, and by extension the followers you may have there. You don’t own the information you’ve posted there. They belong to someone else. Learn how to Counter this HUGE PROBLEM with Social Media!
Keep Reading →about The ONE Flaw with Using Social Media for Business