The NY Times published an article on February 13th (the 12th online) titled The Dirty Little Secrets of Search by David Segal, that lambasted J.C. Penny for a massive paid link campaign. This included playing elementary school tattle-tale and reporting their “findings” to Google – which in turn got J.C. Penny’s search engine rankings flushed down the toilet. To me, and probably a lot of other SEO experts, the article is a joke.
Keep Reading →about Barney Fife Chases the SEO Bandits at J.C. Penny
Have You Been Slapped by the Google Ranking Adjustment?
Google and other search engines change their ranking algorithms regularly. This latest update dealt with garbage and getting it out of the search results. Google and other search engines are in the business of dishing up what people are looking for. Give Google garbage to dish up and you’ll get slapped. Maybe you will get your garbage ranked well for a while, but eventually you’ll get ranked where you should be and that’s way back in the pack.
Keep Reading →about Have You Been Slapped by the Google Ranking Adjustment?
What’s the Value of a Link to SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?
I spend a lot of time working on SEO (Search Engine Optimization), both for myself and for clients/customers. There are a lot of “standard” questions I get asked, but one of the most common is “just how much do links really count?”
Keep Reading →about What’s the Value of a Link to SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?
How to Select Keyword Phrases to Target…
Long Tail Refers to a less searched more specific keyword phrase. Here is solid advice on how to select keyword phrases to target to attract targeted visitors. Why is it better to have fewer people landing on your page, site, or blog? Read this blog post to find out!
Keep Reading →about How to Select Keyword Phrases to Target…
Can a Single Static Web Page Rank High in Google?
Here Comes the Cold, Hard Truth (11/2017 update): Lets face the fact that Google, Bing, Yandex, etc have long since updated their algorithms to ignore (or sink) sites that use linking schemes to try and rank higher than they should. Those days are over. So what does work? How do you get a 1 or 2 page sales page to rank and get traffic?
Keep Reading →about Can a Single Static Web Page Rank High in Google?
10 On-Page SEO Ranking Factors
Here’s a list of 10 items that are standard parts of web pages and how they affect your ranking in search engines, primarily Google, but they also affect Bing, Yandex, and Yahoo. The process of making your site rank well in searches on a search engine is known as Search Engine Optimization or SEO for short.
Keep Reading →about 10 On-Page SEO Ranking Factors