What’s the best home and small office router/firewall? Which Ethernet switch? Which cable modem? I’m forever being asked about internet and network product recommendations for home and small office. What’s the best home and small office router/firewall? Which Ethernet switch should I get? Which cable modem should I get? Keep reading for suggested products and one to NEVER, EVER Buy!
Keep Reading →about Best Home Small Office Router Firewall
How to Replace a YouTube Video
You’ve worked for hours on a video and finally get it uploaded to YouTube, then find a mistake. YouTube does not let you replace a video. How do you fix it? Once you upload it, it cannot be changed. You can do some trimming, and some annotations such as labels and notes that pop up over the video, but you can not replace the original video. This is the only way to address this problem that I’ve found.
Keep Reading →about How to Replace a YouTube Video
Simple Solutions
Don’t overlook an obvious, simple solution to a problem because it seems too obvious or too simple!
Keep Reading →about Simple Solutions
Don’t Mix Cutting Edge Technology with Romance!
While this story has no direct advice for a successful Internet business, it implies that if your products do not function as advertised and as expected you will have unhappy customers, and that’s not good for repeat business.
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Web Browser Cookies: Are They Good, Bad, or Ugly?
A cookie is a small, really small, text file that a web site places on your computer via your web browser. A cookie is a small, really small, text file that a web site places on your computer via your web browser. Using cookies improves your user experience. So, what’s the downside?
Keep Reading →about Web Browser Cookies: Are They Good, Bad, or Ugly?
Domain Names, Web Sites, DNS and Name Servers (or How the Internet Works!)
So What’s the Difference Between Name Servers and DNS Servers? What’s an IP address? How does the Internet actually work? What happens when I click a link? I hope that this helps you understand how the Internet works.
Keep Reading →about Domain Names, Web Sites, DNS and Name Servers (or How the Internet Works!)