I love the color gray.
I also hate the color gray.
Grey is a great color for some things… like a nice grey suit, socks, or even my hair! But it’s a really bad color for life, copywriting, marketing, first dates, race cars, etc.
Passion is anything but gray
Political Correctness is so gray
Specifics are not gray at all
Generalization is gray, and when you generalize you loose people.
Want to make a difference in this world? Want to stand out? Want your message to be heard? Then you want to be vibrant. You want to be dynamic. You do not want to be a gray person or have a gray personality.
Why do you think celebrities do such strange and stupid things? Because it get’s them attention and media coverage. One way or another that usually translates into more money in their pockets. Then again, I think that some celebrities become so addicted to it that they can’t stop doing strange and stupid things!
Like the flamboyant mating dances and displays of some birds, the biggest showoff and most colorful bird gets to mate and pass on those colorful genes to a new generation! I think it’s built into the deep recesses of our cerebral cortex too. The end result: more people care about utterly stupid and worthless reality shows than real suffering and real issues. More people read about Reality TV Shows than the laws and programs our Congress and Senate leaders are voting on.
What does this mean when it comes to making money, selling something, writing copy, marketing, or living life? Be the colorful bird!
Make your copy interesting and vivid. Make your presentation colorful. Take a stand. Don’t play it safe. Too many people are obsessed with being politically correct: PC this and PC that… it MAKES ME SICK!
If you think playing it safe and trying to please everyone and not insulting or offending anyone will get you ahead, think again. It doesn’t work in most cases. Lukewarm gets lukewarm results. If you want to sizzle then you need some HEAT!
What if you just have a grey personality and just can’t seem to muster any color whatsoever? You can try roll playing. Sometimes I go into my TV Evangelist alter ego! Screaming and hollering and making wild motions with my hands! Maybe when it’s time for you to write your blog posts, or write some copy, or go on a date, you put on a particular jacket, shirt, or hat. And BAM! You’re now seven shades of hi-gloss purple passion instead of flat, dull gray!
It takes courage to stand out! Inside even the most subdued person there’s a star bursting to get out. Fear keeps their starlight locked inside, just like a black hole stops even light from escaping from it’s core.
Also read my post: 14 Tips to Transform Your Headlines from Mush to Masterpiece!
Until next time,