If you’re reading this blog, you’re probably more tech savvy than the average bear. That means your B.S. meter should be pegged by most of what you hear coming from the White House and from the FCC about Net Neutrality. Anytime, and I mean anytime, the government wants to control something and regulate it, it means more for them and less for us: more taxes and less usability. Want a recent example? Look at the absolute fiasco they’ve made out of health care. The majority of Americans are now paying much more for insurance that gives them much less coverage. The cost of doctor visits is up. The amount of paperwork and “red-tape” exponentially ballooned for healthcare providers.
Most politicians have no clue how the Internet works (even Al Gore). So listening to them talk about this stuff is ridiculous.
The internet is a network of various companies, organizations, and groups: some private, some public, and some government. It’s also world-wide… hence the www (World Wide Web). It’s fast pace of innovation and development has been because of free enterprise. Saddle the internet with red-tape and bureaucracy and that fast pace will come to a screeching halt.
Why Net Neutrality is Bad
- Give the government a crack to get a legal foothold of regulation and they’ll worm their way to a choke hold of taxes and fees.
- I don’t think the internet really falls under the jurisdiction of the FCC.
- I don’t think the government can do anything better than free enterprise can.
- Government regulation will slow down the fast pace of innovation that has been the hallmark of internet companies and internet technology.
- Government regulation will certainly lead the way for local, state, and federal “fees” for either business or individual use… have no doubt about this. Just like Obamacare is really a “hidden” tax, so will be Net Neutrality.
What can We Do?
- Write the FCC, note that this creates a public record of your communication, so be polite and professional. The FCC has setup a special email for this: openinternet@fcc.gov
- Write or call your Elected Representatives: Find Your Representatives , or all Elected Officials.
- Don’t Wait, February 26th is next week!
Another Parallel – like Obamacare, we’ve not seen the details of what the FCC proposes to vote on… scary!
Unforeseen Consequences
Why are some companies such as Netflix in favor of this if it’s bad? Again, I point to health care and Obamacare… many large insurance companies were in favor of Obamacare… why? Because it allowed them to dump old policies and replace them with new, more profitable policies costing more and providing less coverage. The insurance companies knew this, but our elected officials either didn’t realize the unforeseen consequences, or, they were bought off, or both: or, they’re just interested in controlling everything (it’s probably all three). And since the FCC has not made public what they’re voting on, we can’t have any idea what unforeseen consequences this could entail.
Large companies like to play in controlled environments where they can profit more and squeeze out the little upstarts: government control is their friend.
There are plenty of big names and companies against the FCCs takeover of the Internet. Billionaire Mark Cuban is one that’s been outspoken about it.
Until Next Time,
Update: One thing that I alluded to is control. I should have said more about this. Currently, I can say what I want on this blog. So can you if you have a website. Under FCC and government control, that may not be the case. They could shut me down. They could shut you down. The internet is the last free speech conduit we have, don’t let it get taken over by government control.