In my post The Frustration of Trying to Make Money Online, item # 2 on my list was Be Consistent.
Walk out into a rushing river and pick up a river stone from the bottom and chances are it’ll be rounded and smooth. It didn’t start out that way. At one time, that rock was rough and irregular like any rock you’d pick up off the ground. What happened to that river rock to make it smooth? Water running over it day after day, month after month, year after year, wore it down and made it smooth and round. Yet water is not rough like sandpaper. You can take a swim or a shower on a regular basis and not get worn down like that rock. But apply the simple force of water rushing over a rock long enough and it wears away the rock! Imagine what you can do by putting forth a little effort everyday.
This accumulative effect applies to positive as well as negative forces.
The majority of people watch 2 or 3 hours of TV each day. Let’s say you average a few more hours on weekends, maybe 4 or 5 hours on Saturday and Sunday: then you have a total of 25 hours a week. That’s around 100 hours per month, or 1300 hours per year. That’s 54 DAYS of TV per year. 54 Days wasted. Actually more than wasted because TV has a negative effect on your life, wealth, and health that exceeds the aggregate amount of time you spent watching it. TV erodes morals, propagates failure, instills the agenda of the media into the general population, and makes purchasing consumer puppets out of viewers.
Before you say you don’t have time to better yourself, achieve your dreams and goals, or fix your problems, turn off the TV. Spend an hour a night working on what you want to achieve. After a month you’ll be amazed at the progress you’ve made.
This applies to everything in your life, not just building a business or income. Spend time learning a new skill, hobby, exercising, or helping others. Spend time with your spouse or children. These things will blossom too.
Until next time,