My wife and I were having a conversation with a friend who writes a weekly column in our local paper. It’s not unusual for him to receive both positive and negative feedback to his articles. He shared one particular letter he’d received from a recent article. After reading it and reading his response, I basically said you know, there’s a perfect example of someone with too much time on their hands. They’re just jealous that they don’t have the clients and respect that you have.
In their letter, this person had quoted various sources and experts who supported the opposite point of view as our friend. But the overall tone of the letter was mean and hateful. They could have chosen to write and ask if he’d seen the research they were quoting, or what his opinion was, instead, they were condescending and demeaning.
We talked back and forth a little about the subject of his article and his post, but mostly about why this person even bothered to write him. Why did they spend the time to write hate mail so to speak and send it to him? Do you know what his answer was?
Our friend asked us if we’d ever been crabbing. We both responded “no” and gave him a strange look I’m sure. We were both thinking “what do crabs have to do with this?”
He said when you go crabbing you don’t need to cover your bucket as long as you have more than one crab. Because if there’s more than one crab in the bucket and one crab starts to climb out, the other crabs will grab him and pull him back down.
Life’s the same way. You’re always fighting the crabs trying to pull you back down into the bucket. Don’t let them do it! Keeping trying to get out of that bucket!!!